We had a lot of fun at the launch of our debut release, "The Langdale EP" at The Captain's Bar on Saturday night. Thanks to the lovely people at Captain's for letting us host our launch event at the bar.
We've released the first 100 copies of the EP as a limited edition USB stick, featuring 4 original songs (one written by each member of the band), a Gallus Crows button badge, a video for "Take Me Back To Liverpool" and a link to "The Game Of Crows" - an online game which allows you to unlock special prizes! Update May 2019 - The USB stick edition of the EP is now sold out, but you can purchase a copy of the CD from our Online Shop.
We will be launching our "Langdale" EP in Edinburgh at The Captain's Bar, South College Street, Edinburgh on Saturday 28th May at 8pm. After the launch we'll be doing our regular monthly gig/session from 9pm til 12:30 am. Hope to see you there!
We had a wonderful time at the Langdale Charity Folk Festival over the weekend. It was so nice to hear all the other acts, catch up with old friends and make new ones and soak in the atmosphere and the sunshine! The festival raised nearly £4,000 for excellent local charities and we are honoured to have done our bit.
Big thanks to everyone who bought a copy of our debut release, "The Langdale EP". Kieron's song "Langdale" went down a storm and it was lovely to play it at the closing session on Sunday night with everyone singing along. Here's a video of us performing "Langdale" at the Friday night bar concert. Big thanks to Rachael Dyson for filming it! We're very excited about launching our debut EP at the Langdale Charity Folk Festival tomorrow.
Gogz and Deek spent yesterday evening copying the tracks for "The Langdale EP" onto the USB sticks and putting together the EP packs.. finished with a day to spare! |